
Sunday, 22 April 2012

A Busy Few Weeks

Its been waaaaaay too long since I blogged last, this is not good!!
Its been a bit of a crazy few weeks here in Camp Lolliesland - Im not sure where to begin!
A couple of friends arrived home from their parts of the world they now call home which resulted in many a catch up involving plenty of alcohol and shenanigans, I definitely relived my teenage years too with a bit of "bushing", late night strolls to the beach and general banter! Although Im feeling every one of my 26 years this week as Ive been suffering with a rotten head cold since!
Reliving our youth with a drinks down "the rocks"

It was also Titanic Week here in Cobh, commemorating the 100 year anniversary since the Titanic sank and I have to say I was very proud to be a Cobhite during all of this! The town looked great and there was so much going on everyday. The weather of course was a bit of a let down but not enough to dampen the spirits! Actually the weather was totally messed up, one minute sunny and warm, the next giant hailstones would fall!
One of the Navy Ships in the harbour

One of many giant hailstone showers!
We had our annual Easter Egg hunt in the garden for the kids, they love it! Although I think Daddykins gets more fun out of hiding the Easter eggs and the 3 girls (and me, Im never too old to join in) running around like lunatics trying to find them before the other ones do! 
There's still loads leftover!
We also had my niece, Kellie's confirmation this weekend. A great day was had by all, thankfully I got to skip the whole church bit due to not feeling very well, 3 hours for the service is just far too long! We had lots of food and goodies and relatives in the house to help her celebrate the day.

There's been lots more going on that I've to blog about and I will work on that during this week, I wont bore you anymore with an even longer post!! 
Hope everyone has been doing great :-) xo

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