I'm not sure what's even going on right now but I do know that sometimes you just have to let the one you love...go. But man it hurts, a lot, like heartbreak I havent felt since I was 17 and had my heartbroken for the first time...that was horrendous! I do hope he finds the answers hes looking for and no matter what I'm always going to be there for him whenever he may need me because you don't just throw away 10 years of friendship, as long as hes happy at some stage, thats whats important to me. Sometimes you just have to realise though that you can't be the one to make them happy, they have to find it within themselves first. After everything we've been through from teenagers to adulthood and still stuck by each other, I'm seeing this as another one of life's obstacles that we have to get past, I'm just clueless as to the outcome of this one..I guess the unknown is good sometimes. And the last 6 months...I wouldn't change any of it - how could I regret falling in love with my best friend and first love all over again?! x

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