
Sunday, 20 November 2011

Dozy Chocolate

Ok so for a while I wasn't able to sleep as well as Id used to and having to get up at 7am 5 days of the week 3 or 4 hours a night just wasn't working out for me so the mothership decided we should try something called "Dozy Chocolate" which she'd come across recently:

100grams 70% cocoa dark chocolate
50 drops of Valerium Tincture
6 drops of Lavendar
1 tbsp of ground flax seed

Melt chocolate in a bowl over a pan of boiling water. When the chocolate has melted add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Place the mixture in a mould or line a container with greaseproof paper and allow for the mixture to set.
As you can see in the picture below we just broke it up into pieces after it was set.

I can say that these little bites most definitely work! Although at first they can be a bit hard to swallow, I just washed it down with a swig of hot chocolate. I did find they were of a less intense taste if eaten straight out of the fridge. I no longer had my head on the pillow and I was driftng off into a nice calm sleep. 
Next up, we're gonna try the Dozy Bars...I'll post the results of that one too! :-)

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