On June 12th 2013 at 04.36am our perfect little creation, Luke James was born weighing in at 6lbs 8 1/2 oz. What an awesome day :)
Luke arrived bang on time for his due date of the 12th but not without a few complications. From week 38 on I suffered form high blood pressure so was in and out of the hospital for the last 2 weeks when on June 10th the doctors decided it would be best for baby if they induced me. Apparently the fluid around the baby was becoming less and less each time they checked and did not want to take any risks, not to mention my blood pressure which refused to stabilise at a good number. So off we went down to the induction "suite" to begin the process...and what a long process it was!! After taking the gas and air and pethadine, I was sent for the epidural, thats when things really started happening. We were getting ready to go to start the pushing, I was fully dilated when Luke's heart rate dropped quite a bit. The doctor did a few quick tests and decided that they would be better off acting fast in order to get Luke out ok so I was sent for an emergency section. I cant quite explain that feeling, of course I was terrified but I think I shut down. I didn't speak or anything, I stayed quiet until I knew that Luke was out safe and sound...of course he took a bit of time to cry which felt like hours but once he did a huge sense of relief rushed through me, he was out and he was ok :) My little boy was brought over for a quick cuddle before he whisked away again until I was in recovery.
I know this goes without saying obviously but seriously no one warned me of the absolute over whelming rush of love you get when you see your baby. I couldn't quite believe that I could feel this way, an immediate need and want to protect this tiny human being and give them all the love you can physically give. I couldn't even look at him without crying, I still cant some days!
Our little boy has well and truly integrated himself in our lives now and each day hes more perfect than before. We adore him.
The last 8 weeks have been hectic, emotional, happy, hard, a complete roller coaster but each day we are learning more about our little boy and each day he is growing and thriving.
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A few hours old xx |
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8 weeks old xx |