
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Need A Hug?? This Might Help

The Mothership brought home a card she'd come across at work the other day because of the poem on it that she liked and thought I'd like it was so nice that I just had to share with you guys:

Just A Little Hug

A hug can say "I'll miss you,
or, "I'll be thinking of you",
It can say "You're someone special",
or best of all, "I love you".
It can soothe a hurt or calm a fear
or cheer us up when we're blue - 
It almost seems a miracle all the things a hug can do.

When the sun is refusing 
to shine on your day
and you're finding it hard
just to cope,

When you're seeing more rain clouds
than stars in the sky
and you just feel like giving up hope,

That's the time when someone 
comes along with a smile
and a warm hug 
that says "It's okay - 
Tomorrow is coming
so don't give up now -
brighter moments 
are soon on their way"

Sending lots of hugs your way 

Sunday, 6 January 2013

It's Goal Time

Right now the birthday is over (a whole 27 years old...3 years off 30..but we won't worry about that just yet!!), my New Year resolutions and goals really kicks in!

Here's what I'm aiming for in 2013:

  1. Be more creative! I've got a couples of things up my sleeve that I'd like to get started on in 2013, exciting ventures should they go my way..I'll be sure to keep you all posted with my progress.
  2. Resume my slightly healthier, active way of life I established in 2012...the leisure centre membership is still active!
  3. Get a new car..because I'm sooo old and responsible these days its time I invested in a decent car, not that theres been anything wrong with my cars to date but I need something a bit more economical and with slightly more room and one that's a bit newer and actually has a valid NCT...
  4. Move out of home, I've been saying this for a couple of years but this year it is inevitable. I just hope and pray I find somewhere in the countryside to move to, I'm just not too sure how well I'd settle living in the town, I am a country bumpkin for life!
  5. And to my last but by no means least goal...this year is full of changes so didn't want to set myself too many goals because of this one important be the best momma I can be! If I can do half as good as job as the mothership did with us then I think I'll be doing ok :)
While my list is small this year, I feel the ones that are there are of big importance..this really is the year where I grow up for real and I just want to do that in the best way possible :)
