Wow things have really been happening around here recently and not in an obvious massive way, just some subtle changes that have occurred which I didn't even realise were happening until after they happened!
Some of you may know my year didn't get off to the best start, January was a total write off really and for a while it was really hard to see the light at the end of that tunnel...but alas thanks to a little bit of faith and belief and some awesome family and friends that light started shining brightly again :)
The last few months have been a real eye opener for me and while I was getting over the massive upheaval that had occurred in my life, I started to realise how much I had underestimated my inner strength. It's so easy to get caught up in life and all of it's obstacles and struggles and moan about the bad and negative things going on around you. For me I just felt like, "Why me??", "What have I done to deserve this??" and y'know you always have a few false starts where you've convinced yourself you're over something and you've dealt with it by ignoring but really you haven't and it hits you all over again.
However, I think for the first time in my adult life I've actually sat back and taken a proper look at all the positives in my life....and it feels great to realise this and appreciate it all!! Sure things haven't gone according to my life plan the way I wanted it to but then as I'm beginning to learn, the best things in life are unplanned. I realised how lucky I should consider myself to be, as already mentioned I have the most amazing friends and family and these guys are a major part of who I am, I have a job that I enjoy going to 5 days a week, I have a car that gives me the freedom to get me to places I want to be, sure I still live at home but there's plenty of time for that to change...that may not seem like much to some people but to me it's all I need right now. I think I was in my room a few weeks ago, as always, its my safe haven, and it just dawned on me how I've got my whole life ahead of me and I can do or be anything I want to be. I realised that I'd stopped dwelling on the negative things that had happened in my life and instead looked at what I had learned from them and put them in that space in your head where the past is kept. I know people say you should let the past go but I think that no matter what there'll always be a locked box in the back of your mind where you keep your past...because you don't want to forget it completely and make the same mistakes again.
This new realisation has also helped me to move forward with some other issues and relationships and I finally feel all is not lost where certain people are concerned and that after everything we'd gone through we can at last forge a friendship.
I went to see a spiritual healing, angel, psychic lady last week, I was a bit sceptical I will admit but everything she said just reinforced how I was actually feeling inside myself and I felt so strong and positive when I came out knowing she had picked up all of this too. I've been a believer of angels for a long time now, going way back to my childhood and I most definitely believe we all have one guardian angel looking out for us all of the time, to me its very comforting to know and believe in that. And believe me my angel (s) are out in force at the moment guiding me in the right direction!!
Life throws all kinds of battles in our paths and they are all a test to see what we can handle and how we can deal with things...but I certainly believe that everything that is put in my way is done so because I am more than capable of handling it, sometimes it just takes a bit of time to figure out the right way to deal with it.
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The Pentacle cards featured quite a bit in my reading and this symbolises result, fruition, realisation and prosperity as well as someone not be crossed! |
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I imagine my Angel to be something like this |
See I warned you it would be a bit of a long post, but basically I just wanted to share my new found positivity, I honestly feel like I can take on the world these days. Life is a tricky business so when it does get all too much, just take a step back and look around and you'll soon find that there's so many more positives out there that will more than out weigh the negatives :-)
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In a nutshell :-) |